85 Fun Facts About Sex
There’s one ultimate goal during sex: to be as sensually stimulated as possible. The secret to achieving that blissful state? Having lots of steamy info at your disposal. As they say, knowledge is power…and pleasure. So we found a ton of just-discovered facts—some make it easier to orgasm, others will help you please him, and the rest...well, they’ll make great convo-starters.
1 People who have sex about three times a week are perceived to look four to seven years younger.
2 Women place a higher importance on looks than men do when looking for a casual sex partner.
3 But that may not be smart. One poll found that computer nerds make the best lovers, with 82 percent of IT geeks claiming they put their partner’s pleasure above their own.
4 Sadly, only 41 percent of fitness professionals were as selfless.
5 Get it on the night before you need to bring some great ideas to the office. According to anthropologist Helen Fisher, Ph.D., sex triggers brain chemicals that can improve creativity at work.
6 Don’t wait to feel turned on before you make a move. Most women experience arousal after the fun has already begun.
7 Single women are more attracted to men who are taken than to those who are available.
8 Strippers earn more money when they’re ovulating. Scientists suspect it’s because of the pheromones their body releases. Do a striptease for your guy when you’re ovulating two weeks before your period—and it will likely create some serious heat.
9 An orgasm can cure your stage fright! A Scottish study found that following Sexual release, people had an easier time with public speaking.
10 Guys find your voice more attractive during that time of the month— meaning, period sex is a prime time to add some dirty talk to the mix.
11 One study found that men on the prowl are more likely to spend money on luxury items for themselves than those who aren’t searching for a mate.
12 Watch a short porn scene before hopping in bed with your guy. Research found that 58 percent of men and women who regularly use porn felt more comfortable with their sexuality and tending to their partner’s sexual needs.
13 It’s the sweet stuff that really gets females hot. A study found that women were more turned on watching a man kissing a woman than having sex with her. So try kissing him in front of a mirror.
14 A UK study found that most men prefer women with some curves to super-skinny waifs.
15 Try a little spanking during sex, and don’t worry about the sting. Oxytocin, one of the sex chemicals released when you’re getting it on, reduces pain by about half.
16 Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which a man’s penis curves. A drug used to straighten bent fingers is now being tested to fix it.
17 A study says intercourse lasts about 16 minutes for Europeans and just 7 minutes for Americans. Make a ring with your fingers and squeeze around the base of his shaft to make him last longer.
18 Men take more risks when they know hot women are looking.
19 Snuggle with him while watching TV at night. Couples who cuddle regularly are eight times less likely to get depressed than those who kiss only during intercourse.
20 Experts have discovered that high levels of the hormone oestradiol make women more likely to cheat. The reason? It creates bigger breasts and smaller waists. As a result, they tend to get more attention and, therefore, have more sexual opportunities.
21 Researchers found that watching porn doesn’t negatively affect a man’s views about women.
22 A poll found that those who consume the most online pornography live in the most conservative and religious states.
23 One study done on newlyweds found that couples’ negative feelings about their sex life had more of an impact on their marital satisfaction than concerns about nonsexual issues did.
24 Athletic women say their sexual performance is better...
25 ...and maybe that’s because female pro athletes have both better clitoral blood flow and higher sexual satisfaction than women who don’t exercise.
26 Furthermore, one study found that just 20 minutes of exercise before going at it will improve your sexual response.
27 Take time to really figure out your feelings—it could help you in the bedroom. See, women with high emotional intelligence experience more orgasms.
28 Almost 53 percent of women have used external stimulation. If you haven’t tried it, start with a small one that won’t overwhelm you.
29 A study of college students found that over a two-year period, both men and women had twice as many hook-ups as first dates.
30 Worldwide, only 30 percent of men are circumcised. Dating an uncut guy? Keep in mind that the tip of his penis may be more sensitive because it’s not always exposed. So you may need to use a slightly more gentle touch.
31 The average number of sexual partners for heterosexual men is seven; for heterosexual women, it’s four.
32 A woman has a better shot at climaxing during sex if the walls of her vaginal canal are stimulated. A study found that penis length doesn’t help accomplish this—girth does. Make him feel girthier by keeping your legs together during sex. It creates more friction.
33 Still, that doesn’t stop men from seeking out enhancements. A handful of new gadgets on the market claim to help men add length and possibly girth to their penis.
34 If that doesn’t work, he can try dropping a few kilos. For every 16 kilos an overweight man loses, his penis appears to grow one inch.
35 Scientists believe that some women have a more active G-spot than others. Trying various positions, like leaning back while you’re on top, may help him stimulate it if yours isn’t as active.
36 Having sex once a week can improve your immune function by 30 percent.
37 One study found that women get physically aroused by a much wider variety of erotic imagery than men do.
38 Researchers are testing Viagra on women with sexual dysfunction—72 percent of those taking it noticed improvement in their sexual response.
39 A 2010 study found that the better a woman’s genital self-image, the easier it is for her to orgasm.
40 Phew! Most couples over 65 in the US still have sex at least once a week.
41 It was discovered that wearing two inch heels may improve the strength of the pelvic muscles, which in turn helps you orgasm.
42 A study found that 84 percent of women have had sex just to ‘keep the peace’ with their partner.
43 For five minutes per day, tense and relax your PC muscles (the ones that hold in pee). It may give you better orgasms.
44 In a survey of multi-millionaires, 70 percent felt that money gave them better sex.
45 Women who masturbate regularly are more likely to experience orgasm during intercourse.
46 A foetus responds to mom getting it on: it can sense blood-pressure and heartrate changes, and it feels non-sexual excitement.
47 Lie on top of him for a bit while you’re both naked. Skin-on-skin contact floods the body with oxytocin, a hormone that makes you feel close.
48 One in four women over 35 says she has never had sex.
49 Some lucky women can orgasm from breast stimulation alone. Find out if you can do it by asking him to spend extra time there.
50 A man’s body odour turns a woman on. So jump him before he hits the shower post-gym.
51 A global Durex survey found that Austrians engage in oral sex more than people in any other country.
52 Women are 10 times more sensitive to touch than men are. So before the action really gets going, ask him to run his fingers over your entire body.
53 Two-thirds of college students have been involved in a friends-withbenefits situation.
54 Your morning coffee may be an aphrodisiac: one study found that caffeine made rats hornier.
55 A study found that women experience more pleasure with men who make more money.
56 Thirty-six percent of people under 35 go on Facebook or Twitter or send texts after sex.
57 The ‘sexual pursuit’ part of a man’s brain is two-and-a-half times bigger than women’s.
58 Married women get it on more often than unmarried women do.
59 Experts have discovered a new pleasure centre: the anterior fornix, known as the A-spot, located on the upper wall of the vagina, near the cervix. When stimulated, it increases lubrication. The moves that arouse your G-spot will hit this area too.
60 An Archives Of Sexual Behaviour study found that after looking at sexy images, most women showed physical signs of arousal but didn’t feel that hot.
61 That glazed look a man gets when he sees breasts? His visual brain circuits are on the lookout for signs of fertility.
62 The best orgasms are the ones where all your senses are engaged. But researchers found that when you’re lying down, some senses are reduced. Try climbing on top.
63 Thirty minutes of sex burns, on average, 85 or more calories.
64 In a study conducted with British and Namibian subjects, researchers found that although each group could identify sounds of anger or fear in the other group, neither recognised the others’ moans of delight as sounds of pleasure.
65 When women orgasm, the areas of the brain associated with fear shut off.
66 The more genetically diverse a woman is, the greater her number of partners. Potential mates are attracted to those who are dissimilar, so the more variation in her DNA, the more appealing she is.
67 Eighty-two percent of people who say they are sexually satisfied also report feeling respected by their partner during sex.
68 Experts say that regular sex can help alleviate migraines.
69 Make Sunday cleaning day and you might see your sex life spike. A paper found that couples who do more housework have more sex.
70 Giving him a massage may get you excited, as much as him.
71 Women with greater finger sensitivity had more sex with their partner.
72 One in every four Americans is ‘too tired’ to have sex.
73 African-Americans and Hispanics have sex before going to bed more frequently than whites and Asians do.
74 Fifty-six percent of men say they wish their penis was bigger. Boost his ego when you’re down south by saying “I can’t even take all of you in.”
75 Exploring your spirituality, whether it’s by reading a spiritual book or learning to meditate, could improve your sex life.
76 Women who were sexually unsatisfied found that practicing meditation improved their arousal and gave them better orgasms.
77 Thirty-one percent of men reported having trouble getting an erection...
78 ...And 34 percent of men had trouble maintaining one.
79 While 95 percent of women consider penile - vaginal intercourse sex, only 89 percent agree if there’s no ejaculation.
80 Couples who don’t have a TV in their bedroom have 50 percent more sex. According to researchers, getting it on decreases significantly with the addition of a television.
81 A study done of 900 films over a four-year period found that sex and nudity in movies did not boost box-office success.
82 About one-half of couples find that each partner initiates sex equally as often.
83 One survey found that Spain has the best lovers...or at least that’s how their women rated them.
84 A recent study found that people with higher rates of poverty had more sex.
85 Keep your gaze locked on his. Experts say eye contact can increase sexual attraction and the sex can hit the roof!
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